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【800 Subs!! Thank You!】Chat orders me pizza...again 🍕ピザ食べるよん #えむLIVE #VTuber

276 views · Uploaded Feb 7, 2021 · Archived Feb 24, 2021

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I'm back! Chat gets to pick my pizza - let's see what abomination of a pizza I get to eat this time :^)) リスナヌさんに宅配ピザを遞んでもらうよん〜 💗 Support me here/チップ・ドネヌション💗 Streamlabs - Buy me a coffee - *Both methods will show up on stream* (Ko-fi doesn't display the amount + message but I will read it on stream when I can) °˖✧ Twitter ✧˖° @HiiragiEmuri Thumbnail Art/むラストEureka X49 四九ゆりか (@eurekax49 on Twitter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °˖✧ Introduction ✧˖° Hello there! Emuri-dayon! ✧ I’m Emuri, a college student Vtuber ^v^ I speak both English and Japanese. I play games and occasionally sing and play the violin! I want to bring a smile to everyone with my streams. Nice to meet you 🎻✚ はじめたしおえむりだよん✧ 女子倧生Vtuberの柊えむりです〜 日本語ず英語䞡方OKだよん ゲヌム実況、そしおたたに歌ったりバむオリンを匟いたりしたす 私の配信でみんなを笑顔にしたい♡ よろしくです(o˘ω˘o) 🎻💗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °˖✧ Chat Rules・チャットのお玄束 ✧˖° 1. Please be nice to everyone! みんなに優しくね 2. Please don’t ask personal questions. 個人的な質問は聞かないでね 3. No spoilers unless I say it’s ok! ネタバレはNGだよん 4. Please be mindful of language and refrain from potentially offensive comments. 䞍適切な衚珟や蚀葉はNG 5. Please keep chat relevant to the stream. 配信に関するお話のみでお願いしたす。 6. Please don't mention other streamers unless the topic is brought up. Similarly, please don't mention me in other streamers' chats. 他の配信者さんに぀いおのコメントは控えお䞋さい。同じく、えむりの事を他の配信者さんのずころでコメントしないでね 7. If you see any violators, please just ignore and block/report. NGなコメントは無芖しおブロックなどしおね。 8. Have fun ^_^ 楜しんでね ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °˖✧ Hashtags・ハッシュタグ ✧˖° Live/ラむブ #えむLIVE Art/アヌト#絵むり Fans/ファンネヌムEmu Nyakama (えむにゃかた ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °˖✧ Email ✧˖° [email protected] **Business and collab inquiries only please!** **ビゞネスやコラボに関するメヌルのみでお願いしたす** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- °˖✧ Credit ✧˖° Music: from DOVA-SYNDROME - ; from Daystar - Bedroom Background/お郚屋の背景画by Omorphia (@Omorphia1 on Twitter) Free Overlay Graphics/背景フリヌ玠材by OKUMONO ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for stopping by! It would make me super happy if you could leave a like or comment and subscribe to my channel ♡ 配信を芳おくれおありがずう 高評䟡やコメント、もちろんチャンネル登録はすっごく嬉しいです ♡

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