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2,153 views · Uploaded Mar 28, 2021 · Archived Jul 30, 2022

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🍭Gimme your moepower ! Support Nagisa disini🍭 No Donation oke! Just enjoy the stream 🐤 ____________________________________________________________________________🐤 Hawooo~ Nagisa mau ngajakin kakak jalan-jalan virtual keliling Indonesia pakai google maps & street view! Destinasi kita di stream ini adalah Provinsi Maluku, the glory spice island! Nagisa bakalan ngobrolin seputar spice road, destinasi wisata, Diving spot, Bahasa, Tempat mancing maniya MANTHAP! dan lainnya~ Hewwo, Today's stream is about virtual travelling with Nagisa! We will travel around Indonesia with the power of technology (Google maps & Street View)! Our destination today is MALUKU, The island of Spice! The history of most valuable spice, Beautiful beach, Diving spot, Fishing spot, and local trivia! 🐤 #Virtual_Travelling #Nagisa_Arcinia #NIJISANJI_ID #MALUKU #BANDA 🐥 ____________________________________________________________________________🐥 ((Viewer Rules)) Thank you for watching my live stream, here are some rules! - Don't spamming chat. - Don't use inappropriate words. - PLEASE DON'T BACK SEATING, even though it is PAINFUL. I'll nicely ask you for some advice first! - Be nice to each other. - Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them. - Feel free to join the chat as long as you follow the rules above. ((Aturan untuk Penonton)) Terimakasih udah menonton Live Stream Nagisa, tapi ada baiknya mengikuti beberapa aturan ini supaya semua senang! - Jangan spamming chat yang menganggu. - Jangan menggunakan kata-kata yang kasar dan tidak sopan. - Mohon untuk tidak back seating yang berlebihan, walaupun Nagisa mainnya ga jago. Nagisa akan meminta bantuan dengan para viewer terlebih dahulu. - Mohon untuk tetap baik terhadap sesama viewer. - Mohon untuk tidak membicarakan streamers lain, kecuali Nagisa ngomong duluan. - Silahkan chatting dan mengobrol dengan Nagisa apabila anda mengikuti aturan! 🐤 ____________________________________________________________________________🐤 『Twitter』 『Facebook』 『Official NIJISANJI ID』 🐤 ____________________________________________________________________________🐤 Credits of Assets Google maps Google Streets Footage by Pexel BGM by dova-syndrome

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