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【Kirby64: The Crystal Shards】I Want to Get to My Favorite Planet!/一番好きなステージまでやるぞ!

33 views · Uploaded Jun 17, 2022 · Archived Jun 17, 2022

8 likes / -1 dislikes
何か雪っぽいステージだったような。。。わすれた!けど思い出す!はず!です! I think it was like the Ice Planet or something? I forgor. But I'll remember it! Probably! Also, please don't backseat unless I ask! Follow me at: Join my Discord!: ルールとかはそんなに在りませんが、人に迷惑だけはかけないで下さい。あとは、 配信の時に個人的な会話をしないでください。 No real rules per se. Just don't cause problems for people and be nice. Try to avoid personal conversations/ talk unrelated to the stream. Aside from that, it's fair game! BGM by OtoLogic(CC BY 4.0)

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