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【#アイダ星上陸計画 #郡道美玲 #幻塔】夕陽リリと決闘⚡!?豪華視聴者プレゼントあり!【にじさんじ郡道美玲】

14,048 views · Uploaded Aug 12, 2022 · Archived Aug 14, 2022

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提供:「Tower of Fantasy」 幻塔 DL気になる方はここから! 「アイダ星上陸計画」に投稿すれば、100万円の賞金を山分け!   正式リリースを記念して、豪華な特典をお送りいたします! 最大59連ガチャ + 選べるSSR武器 + SSRアルケー + 限定外観×10をゲットできます! ▼公式SNSはこちら 公式サイト: 公式Twitter: #アイダ星上陸計画 #郡道美玲 #幻塔 #幻塔動画 #タワーオブファンタジー #TOF ♡コラボ @Yuhi Riri Official ♡Twitter You can use the tag #教えて郡道先生​ to tweet about me. ♡Membership The membership courses include exclusive streams, videos, posts, and stamps. Videos of my past ASMR streams are also available for all members. ♡Please follow these rules so that everyone can enjoy the stream: ● Don't hold conversations with other viewers in the chat. ● Don't bring up other streamers unless I mention them. ● Also don't talk about me in other streamers' chat. ♡About me  I'm Mirei Gundou (郡道美玲 Gundo Mirei), a virtual YouTuber from NIJISANJI. I work as a teacher in an all-boys' school, so some call me Gundou-sensei. I stream and upload clips almost everyday and do ASMR on Fridays. Please comment, like and subscribe! #GundouMirei #Nijisanji #Vtuber ※未成年者の視聴者の方々は、下記リンク先の注意事項もご覧ください。

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