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【PLACID PLASTIC DUCK SIMULATOR】 uh......quack?【NIJISANJI | Hyona Elatiora】

1,129 views · Uploaded Aug 1, 2023 · Archived Aug 1, 2023

303 likes / -1 dislikes
Thanks for stopping by! I'm playing with @XiaEkavira and @MikaMelatika today! Support this panther, she'll appreciate it~ SociaBuzz: Streamlabs: -------------------------------------------------- ✧ Interested in buying my Welcome Goods? ✧ ✧ How about my debut Voice Content? ✧ ⚠ PERINGATAN BAGI YANG DI BAWAH UMUR | NOTICE FOR MINORS ⚠ Website ANYCOLOR Inc.: -------------------------------------------------- I speak EN and ID! (ID) Beberapa peraturan: 🏵 Jangan spam, memberi spoiler, atau berdiskusi diluar topik bahasan. 🏵 Kalau ada spamming, tidak perlu diinteraksi. Cukup block dan report. 🏵 Pikir baik-baik apa yang diketik dan diucap. Jaga perilaku Anda. 🏵 Jangan backseating selama gameplay kecuali aku meminta saran. 🏵 Jangan membicarakan VTuber/YouTuber lain kecuali aku yang membahas duluan. (EN) Some rules: 🏵 Do not spam, give spoilers, or discuss things outside of topic. 🏵 If there's spamming, do not engage. Just block and report. 🏵 Be mindful of what you say and type. Behave. 🏵 Do not backseat during gameplays unless I say otherwise. 🏵 Do not bring up other VTuber/YouTubers unless I bring them up first. -------------------------------------------------- BGM: - “Panther’s Coffee” by Xia Ekavira - DOVA SYNDROME #placidplasticducksimulator #HyonaElatiora #NIJISANJI #Hyona_Live #VTuber #NIJISANJI_ID

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