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(Mahjong Soul) asserting my dominance to my kouhais Elira and Shu【Hana Macchia】

15,962 views · Uploaded Jan 28, 2022 · Archived Aug 12, 2022

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if you wanna know how Mahjong works, just play it yourself, it's a browser game! it has a pretty decent tutorial at the start if you're completely new. Support me through streamlabs and SociaBuzz here! (Paypal, CC) (Local) 🌼 Permintaanku kepada Penonton! 🌼 - Apa yang kamu ketik bisa menyakiti orang lain, jadi hati-hati. - Tolong jangan diluar topik pembahasan di livestream. - Jangan membawa nama VTuber lain kecuali aku bahas duluan 🌼 My Request for Viewers 🌼 - Be mindful and think before you type something that can potentially be harmful. - Please stay on topic with the livestream. - Don't mention other Vtubers unless I mention them first. the title is a lie they're going to absolutely annihilate me unless...? we're playing with: @Elira Pendora 【NIJISANJI EN】 @Shu Yamino【NIJISANJI EN】 #Hana_Macchia #NIJISANJI_EN x #NIJISANJI_ID ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ✨ LINKS ✨ 『Twitter』 『Facebook』 『Official NIJISANJI ID』 『NIJISANJI ID Booth』 『Peringatan bagi anda yang masih di bawah umur』

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