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【#4.5】(Yakuza 0) makimura???makoto???????【NIJISANJI ID | Hana Macchia】

12,827 views · Uploaded Jun 17, 2021 · Archived Aug 7, 2022

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‼️ SPOILER ALERT ‼️ Playthrough will include spoilers for all chapters so be warned! Support me through streamlabs and SociaBuzz here! (Paypal, CC) (Local) 🌼 My Request for Viewers 🌼 - Don't spoil anything! Unless I ask for them of course lol. - Be mindful and think before you type something that can potentially be harmful. - Please stay on topic with the livestream. - Don't mention other VTubers unless I mention them first. 🌼 Permintaanku kepada Penonton! 🌼 - Apa yang kamu ketik bisa menyakiti orang lain, jadi hati-hati. - Tolong jangan diluar topik pembahasan di livestream. - Jangan membawa nama VTuber lain kecuali aku bahas duluan AYOOOOOO I CAN FINALLY STREAM THISSSS Streaming the Steam version of the game, actually! Wahoo! Time for some dramatic yakoozies goin' through their crimey grimeys but also, memes. Last we left off, we did Chapter 5 and 6, where Kiryu had to rebrand himself in his new job as a real estate agent, where his job was to help Oda and follow his orders. He had to deal with some yakuzas that were protecting the target the client wanted to remove and he later found out that the yakuza he beat up was under Awano. Finding out Kiryu was working with Tachibana, now the entirety of Dojima is out to get him, causing Nishiki to try and end your life out of pure sympathy, but Kiryu kept going, to find out who was the true owner of the empty lot. But we're back to Majimbo now with the funni blind girl is she okay #Hana_Macchia #VTuber #NIJISANJI_ID 🄫SEGA ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ✨ LINKS ✨ 『Twitter』 『Facebook』 『Official NIJISANJI ID』 『NIJISANJI ID Booth』

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